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Plan change to allow purchases for some reduced workloads

Updated on September 1, 2022

Eligible members can now apply to purchase credit for reduced workloads due to childcare or disability.

Ensure you’re eligible before applying

Need a refresher on details of the amendment? Visit our FAQs to ensure you meet the eligibility requirements for the applicable category.

Complete form if eligible

We’ve created an application for each category – childcare and disability. If you’re applying for a reduced workload due to disability, you’ll also need to submit a medical report completed by your doctor (included with disability application).

Check FAQs for more

You can find answers to all your reduced workload and buyback questions in our FAQs. Our contact centre won’t have any further information to share with you, so there’s no need to call or email.

Updated on April 12, 2022

We’re continuing to gear up for September 1, 2022, when we’ll begin accepting applications for reduced workload purchases.

Thinking of retiring at the end of this school year?

You won’t be eligible to purchase a period of reduced workload once you start to receive your pension.

Check FAQs for additional information and updates

While we fine tune the application process and other details over the next few months, keep your eye on our FAQs. We’ve added a section dedicated to answering your questions about reduced workloads.

We’ll let you know who’s eligible, when you can apply and how much a purchase may cost. We’ll add information for things such as how to apply, how to pay and possible tax implications.

So check our FAQs regularly over the next few months. Our contact centre won’t have any further information to share with you, so there’s no need to call or email.

The plan co-sponsors – the Ontario government and Ontario Teachers’ Federation – recently announced a plan amendment that will allow members to purchase service for reduced workloads due to disability or childcare needs. This change becomes effective on September 1, 2022.

What you need to know

Here are two key highlights of the amendment:

  • Eligible members can purchase credited service for periods of reduced work ending on or after September 1, 2017.
  • You won’t be eligible if you’ve started a pension or terminated plan membership and taken a lump-sum payment as of September 1, 2022.

No action required at this time

We’re currently developing the application process. Watch this page for updates as they become available.

Our contact centre won’t have any further information to share with you at this time, so there’s no need to call.

Stay tuned!