When will my pension be deposited?
Your pension is always deposited on the last business day of each month. Find a list of the pension deposit dates for the year in our FAQs.
You can view, print or save a detailed breakdown of your pension payment, including past payments, in your online account. If you start a CPP disability pension before age 65, contact us so we can adjust your pension.
Your inflation adjustment
The 2024 inflation rate is 4.8% and it takes effect in January. All pension credit will receive 100% inflation protection. If you last worked in 2023, your adjustment will be prorated from the month following your last day of credit in 2023. Sign in to see the impact to your gross monthly pension.
Find information on how we calculate the adjustment, including a detailed breakdown.
Membership fees and insurance premiums
If you’re a member of the Retired Teachers of Ontario/Les enseignantes et enseignants retraités de l’Ontario (RTOERO) your annual membership fee is deducted in January.
If you have a health insurance plan through RTOERO (Johnson) or Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan (OTIP) premiums are often adjusted in December or January.
Other than deducting your monthly premiums, we don’t administer your health insurance plan, so our contact centre won't be able to help you if you have questions about your coverage or premiums. Please contact your health insurance provider directly.
- RTOERO (Johnson) - 1-877-406-9007 or 416-920-7248; insurance@rtoero.ca
- OTIP - 1-800-267-6847
Need a copy of your T4A?
Your T4A is mailed to you in late January. You can always download, print or save copies of your T4A from the Document Centre in your online account.
Find out if your T4A includes everything you need to file your taxes.